PDF (246 KB), MS Word (17.2 MB) |
PDF (721 KB), MS Word (3.23 MB)
Presentation in Bulgarian:
PDF (1.74 MB), MS PowePoint (11.6 MB) |
Presentation in English:
PDF (1.69 MB), MS PowerPoint (11.6 MB) |
Journal article about ETN FETCH:
PDF (117 KB), MS Word (122 KB) |
PowerPoint slide with waving flags:
MS PowerPoint (3.93 MB) |
The history of a small European family - cover:
PDF (759 KB), MS Word (1.97 MB) |
The history of a small European family - content:
PDF (6.59 MB), MS Word (38.4 MB) |
WP9 Report blank:
MS Word (212 KB)